Zenith: The Last City Articles

Zenith: The Last City is showing off a new way to interact with its NPCs today. Turns out, simply an act of waving will get their attention.

Back in May the Virtual Reality (VR) MMO Zenith: The Last City (Z:TLC) stated that they will be delaying their Alpha until July 10th. Recently, a new Alpha-Beta Timeline dropped pushing that second Alpha out a couple weeks until July 24th. The Alpha, if the schedule holds, will run until August 1st.

Zenith: The Last City, by developer RamenVR, had its first alpha test earlier this month. Even though this was a more traditional alpha, as a VR MMORPG inspired by JRPGs, was it fun to play? Does it have the potential to be a long-term home for VR players? Read on to check out Kevin's thoughts on the first alpha.

VR MMO Zenith has delayed their second alpha of the upcoming open-world MMO into July, the developer announced today via Twitter.

Zenith: The Last City, a VR MMO by developer RamenVR, is heading into Alpha next month. As one of only a few VR MMOs currently in development, Zenith may appeal to the fans of existing MMORPGs looking for a certain aesthetic. Kevin had the chance to ask Andy Tsen, Co-Founder/CEO, questions about the game to find out more.

Zenith: The Last City is an upcoming MMORPG set entirely in VR. An ambitious project creating an MMO alone, the team at Ramen VR have upped the ante by setting it entirely in VR. The CEO of Ramen VR, Andy Tsen, recently talked about the upcoming MMO in a recent interivew.

Zenith recently released its November update video, and with it gave an update to eager fans as to when they could expect the upcoming Alpha. Unfortunately, the VR MMO has decided to push back the Alpha to 2021, citing the extra time needed to polish all the mechanics and features in the test.