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World of Warships

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World of Warships Articles

World of Warships Naval Bases Getting a Major Overhaul in v0.7.9

When the next big update goes live in World of Warships, clans will find an almost completely new Naval Base system. As the Base grows, clans will "reap the benefits from various bonuses" including things like extra XP per fight, discounts on certain ship tiers during research and much more.

World of Warships Heading Underwater with New Submarines During the Halloween Event

World of Warships will soon be able to take the fight underwater when submarines launch during the upcoming Halloween event. During the event, players will be able to check out some spooky subs while exploring the undersea world. After the conclusion of the event, Wargaming will be checking out the new feature to "evaluate how best to completely integrate submarines into World of Warships permanently".

Legends Console Trailer - A First Look

During Gamescom, Wargaming revealed the first-ever trailer for World of Warships: Legends, the console version of the naval combat game. World of Warships: Legends will be launching on consoles in 2019.

Developing in Leaps and Bounds

Wargaming is widely recognized as the company that created the iconic game about tanks. It's also known as the creator of World of Warships, a game about ships created in the same historical setting. It represents the largest fleet in the gamedev world to date, and the developers clearly do not spare any effort expanding it further.

Legends Edition Announced for PlayStation 4 & XBox One

Wargaming has announced that World of Warship: Legends will be setting sail for PlayStation 4 and XBox One. Legends will be released in its final version in 2019, but devs are looking for "aspiring testers with knowledge of English to experience the game first". The first alpha test is expected to kick off in July and players are invited to sign up for a chance to be selected as a tester.

Wargaming Invites Players to Take Ships into Space in New April Fool's Event

From March 29th to April 11th, World of Warships players will be able to head into space for a special April Fool's event. This "release goes beyond sea skirmishes and historical battles, bringing a fresh and exciting experience to its audience". This is similar to the World of Tanks moon battles that occur during the same timeframe.

Battle of North Cape Event Lets You Celebrate the Holidays on the High Seas

World of Warships players looking for a unique way to celebrate the holidays can sail into game to check out the Battle of the North Cape taking place from now through January 17th. During the event, players can earn the "legendary Royal Navy Battleship, Duke of York" as well as other warships throughout the campaign.

WoWS: Blitz to Set Sail on January 18th

Wargaming is bringing World of Warships to mobile devices when World of Warships Blitz sets sail for the App Store and Google Play on January 18th. Mobile gamers using tablets and phones will be able to take part in "epic naval combat that combines teamwork, tactics and skills".

Players Rally with Wargaming for Over $280k to Help Save the USS Texas

The USS Texas is in danger of being lost forever, but thanks to Wargaming players and Project V.A.L.O.R., the Battleship Texas Foundation will be receiving over $280k to help refurbish the historic vessel damaged during this past summer's devastating hurricanes. But Wargaming isn't finished yet.

Dasha Presents Update 0.6.14 - Pan-Asian Destroyers

The latest World of Warships video has surfaced, this time focused on update 0.6.14 that brings Pan-Asian destroyers into the game. There are ships available from Tier I through Tier X, all representative of navies throughout Asia that are "united under the flag of the Golden Dragon".

Setting Sail for Steam with New Achievements & More

If you've been on the fence about sitting on the fence about playing World of Warships, maybe last week's Steam release might encourage you to check it out. When you log in via Steam, you'll create a new account and can choose any one of four servers, Americas, Europe, CIS or Asia.

Preserving History – Wargaming, Project VALOR & Keeping the USS Texas Afloat

Recently, Wargaming and Project VALOR announced a special bundle to the World of Warships community that would raise funds for the USS Texas, a WWI and WWII veteran battleship that sustained heavy damage during the recent hurricanes. This historic ship is sinking and in dire need of funds for drydock repairs. We had the chance to speak with Aleksandr Nikolaev, NA Publishing Director and Kelley James, Senior Manager of Player Outreach to learn more about the initiative.

Project VALOR Initiative Raising Funds to Save the USS Texas

The World of Warships team has announced a new Project VALOR (Veterans And Loved Ones Responsibility) fund raising initiative to help save the USS Texas, a veteran battleship of two world wars and currently in danger of sinking after massive damage taken during the recent hurricane. To help raise funds, a number of "Lone Star Texas Bundles" have been created with in-game items reflecting support. Prices range from $5 - $30. 100% of proceeds will go to the Battleship Texas Foundation.

Calling All Captains to Help Save Transylvania

World of Warships is unleashing Halloween on its captains, this time in the form of an event that sends ships to Transylvania in a war for the living. Players will head into a mission to the Silver Spear Archipelago in one of four Halloween-themed ships.

Warships by the Numbers - Happy 2nd Anniversary!

World of Warships officially is turning two this week. Wargaming has produced a pretty nifty infographic to show off some of the big numbers pulled by sailors over the past two years. In addition, the dev team is ready to unleash in-game festivities throughout the balance of the month.