World of Warships Articles

Notes for Update 0.10.0 for World of Warships have been published bringing about some updates for commander skills and more.

There's a new Pearl Harbor documentary releasing next week in partnership with World of Warships to mark the anniversary on December 7.

World of Warships will see several holiday updates including an advent calendar and more.

The World of Warships hosted a live stream yesterday commemorating Virtual Fleet Week and paying tribute to US Veterans.

Get ready, World of Warships is set to release on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S in November, with the PS5 to follow in December.

The October update for World of Warships Legends includes a New Destroyer Campaign and Halloween prep.

US battleships are here in World of Warships as part of Update 0.9.9 in early access.

If you're a World of Warships: Legends player, you may notice a new set of characters in-game. Transformers characters are being rolled and will be available through October 5.

World of Warships is now five years old, and the naval-battle focused game is steaming ahead with a major update designed to celebrate naval history throughout the ages. has been given codes that can be used to give players access to World of Warships on PS4 and XBox One. New players can use these codes to access the game until September 14th. In addition to the free access you will receive some free in-game bonuses! Get your key now!

The Italian navy is joining World of Warships: Legends in the Veni, Vidi, Vici update.

World of Warships receives Update 0.9.7, bringing with it German aircraft carriers.

As World of Warships: Legends hits its first anniversary, the team has prepared a large content update introducing French Destroyers, a new campaign, two seasons of ranked battles, and more.

The 2.4 update for World of Warships: Legends is out now and brings with it Warhammer 40,000 themed content.

Submarines splash onto the scene for a limited time in World of Warships. Here are the details.