World of Warcraft Reviews
A month after early access and now that the first season has started, Robin puts a score to World of Warcraft's latest expansion, The War Within.
Robin has been hard at work on her review of World of Warcraft's latest expansion, The War Within. Here are our thoughts thus far.
It's been a month since Cataclysm Classic launched, and now with raids and more opened up, Robin is ready to pass her verdict. Is this trip down memory lane worth your time?
It's been three weeks since Dragonflight, the newest expansion for World of Warcraft launched; with the first Season of content and raiding well underway, it is time to finally put a number to this expansion. How does it stack up? Here's our review of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.
Robin has been plodding along in Wrath of the Lich King Classic since it launched last month, and has now gotten to a point where she can render a verdict. Does the World of Warcraft Classic expansion hold up? Find out in our review.
It's been a little over a month since Robin first stepped through the Dark Portal and took her first steps into The Burning Crusade Classic. While there have been some changes, for the most part everything is as she remembered. But how does it stack up in 2021? Here is our full review of the Classic Expansion experience.
It's been a little over three weeks since the eighth expansion for World of Warcraft launched. Since then, Robin has leveled up her main, started in on the various max level activities, and worked on an alt a bit. She's also had some time to step into the new raid and experience some of it, and the first Mythic+ and PVP season has started as well. As such, it's time for our final thoughts on Shadowlands. Here is our review.
Two weeks ago, Blizzard launched World of Warcraft Classic to the eagerly waiting hordes. With hours long queue times, tweaks to the original launch states of classes and more, players have a beautiful recreation of Vanilla WoW to explore. The result of mashing the old with the new in just the right way is a game which is both frustrating and fun to play.
In August, Blizzard Entertainment released the sixth expansion for World of Warcraft. Legion, announced at Gamescom 2015 has come with a lot of promise from the development team to bring back the core game play that brought players to WoW in the first place. Does Legion deliver that promise? Let’s find out.
Right from the get-go, it needs to be said that Warlords of Draenor is a fantastic expansion. It has hit many of the right notes in all the right ways beginning with the stat and skill pruning that has been much discussed over the last year or so. Players have fewer skills, but better ones overall. Traveling through the world on the way to 100, fighting in both normal and heroic dungeons, anywhere in Draenor requires thought.