
Dark or Light

4 Exclusive Screens + Concept Art!

Craig McGregor Posted:
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Mutable Realms has just blessed us with 4 new and exclusive screen shots that show off the new human female model as well as the profoundly evil "Ankou" - a rare force that often means certain death for the unwary traveler who crosses paths with it.  In the background you can see a Jabberwock as well!

Below are the 4 new shots.  Registered members can view the high-rez versions if they are logged in:

MMORPG.com Exclusive (11.30.04)
MMORPG.com Exclusive (11.30.04)
MMORPG.com Exclusive (11.30.04)
MMORPG.com Exclusive (11.30.04)

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Lastly, they have given us a very cool exclusive concept image of the Anokou:


Craig McGregor