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Gamescom News Roundup

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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German site WildstarCore.de has posted a great interview with the Wildstar team that reveals some new information for fans. We've used handy-dandy Google Translate to extract what we can.

 1.) Open Beta about a month before launch, in Spring of 2014.

2.) 1-50 leveling speed should take about 150 hours.

3.) No flying mounts to start, but eventually.

4.) There will be a spectator mode for PVP, just might get delayed until after launch.

5.) CREDD will move in a free market (we already knew this).

6.) Solo players absolutely have a place throughout, even with the game's Raid and Group content focus.

7.) Pre-order folks will have some advantages. Possibly head start access, items, etc.

8.) There is de-leveling to "mentor down" to players lower than you. Great news.

9.) Deep crafting with job-specific trees, permanent decisions, very rare discoverable recipes and more.

Read more at WildstarCore.de.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom