Wasteland 2 Articles

inXile has announced that the first significant update for the console version of Wasteland 2: The Director's Cut has been deployed for PlayStation 4 and XBox One. The patch includes bug fixes and addresses balance issues.

At first, when I heard about the Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut from inXile Entertainment, I thought it was just a clever branding trick to release the game on consoles. Then I played it, and quickly realized that it’s the true definitive version of the crowdfunded RPG that rocked our socks off last year.

inXile has sent out a terrific new game play video for Wasteland 2: Director's Cut, a brand new edition of the game that features improved graphics and game play enhancements. The video features tips and tricks for surviving in the Wasteland from none other than inXile's CEO Brian Fargo. Check it out and leave us your thoughts in the comments.

In the latest video for the post-apocalyptic RPG, Wasteland 2: Director's Cut, Brian Fargo, inXile CEO, offers a look at the game's immense scale and the player's ability to affect gameplay through individual choices. Wasteland 2: Director's Cut will be available for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on October 13th in the Americas and October 16th worldwide.

inXile Entertainment has released a brand new trailer for Wasteland 2: Director's Cut. In it, the improvements to graphics, game play enhancements, tweaks and new voice overs are showcased. Check it out and leave us your thoughts.

inXile Entertainment has announced that all who either backed or purchased Wasteland 2 will receive the Game of the Year update for free sometime later in 2015. The new version of the game brings key game play improvements as well as new ways to customize a player's party, new party bonuses, game balance improvements, overhauled combat encounters and much more.

nXile has announced that Wasteland 2 is on its way to both the XBox One and the PlayStation 4. There are no release dates yet, but the news should be good for fans of the series.

TheHiveLeader plays the Kickstarter funded sequel to beloved RPG. This is Wasteland 2.

Trion's Glyph gaming platform is now host to Wasteland 2. The Glyph version of the game includes bonuses in the form of a copy of Wasteland 1, a copy of The Bard's Tale, and two free digital novellas set in the Wasteland universe.

The year was 1988. I was 12 years old and I lived on my Commodore 64. A handful of groundbreaking games were released that year, including King's Quest IV, Bard's Tale III, Ultima V, and Pool of Radiance. It was an important time for the RPG genre, but no single game meant more to me than Interplay's Wasteland.

Fans of "old school" RPGs will want to check out today's official release of Wasteland 2. The Wasteland series is the predecessor to the Fallout series. Wasteland 2 was one of the first successfully crowd-sourced games made.

The Wasteland 2 team has released a new video that features General Vargas himself giving players a firsthand look at character creation, combat mechanics, the use of the environment in battle and the acquisition of Jamie the Robot to fight alongside the party.

Brian Fargo has announced great news for fans of Wasteland 2. The release date is now officially scheduled for September 19, 2014.

Fans of Wasteland 2 will have to wait a bit longer according to a new update on the game's KickStarter page. Chris Keenan wrote that release is likely to happen the first or second week of September, but would be more specific at a later point in time. WL2's original release date was slated for this month.

Wasteland 2 is all about the gray areas. And that’s how players like it. I recently had the chance to get a preview of the game from inXile’s Brian Fargo, and chatted about consequences, community, and immersion in the upcoming party-based RPG.