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Warframe’s Operation Scarlet Spear Arrives Next Week on PC

Consoles "soon"

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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A new war has begun in Warframe as the Sentient Invasion in Operation Scarlet Spear arrives next week on PC.

“Scrambling to counter the Sentients’ first offensive wave of the New War, players will form plans in the new Operation Room before launching expanded cooperative land and space battles,” reads the press release, “Only with Operation Link (formerly ‘Squad Link’) will Tenno stand a chance to stave off Sentient incursions in this time-limited event.”

This update also brings Nova’s second Deluxe Collection and a powerful new weapon class to earn. Players will discover the origins of the anti matter-wielding Nova in a new Leverian exhibit and obtain her second Deluxe Collection, including variants of her Armor, Syandana and skins of signature weapons.

Operation Scarlet Spear’s new cinematic delves into uncharted narrative territory with the Sentient threat deploying forces across the Origin System. You can now formulate plans in a new 40-person Relay (the new Operation Room) and then embark on four-player missions (“Operations”) utilizing cooperative ground and Railjack attacks (the new Operation Link feature) to achieve combined community goals. Each successful Operation builds progress that adds to the overall community goal, driving back enemy forces before the invasion engulfs the entire Origin System.

Operation Scarlet Spear will hit PS4, Xbox One, and Switch “soon.”