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War Thunder Articles

World War II Chronicles Announced

Gaijin Entertainment has announced the start of a new War Thunder game play feature called World War II Chronicle. During Chronicle battles, players will be able to explore a "virtual recreation" of epic battles from the Second World War. Players will be able to earn special trophies and premium vehicles by taking part. Check out the trailer below for more.

Big Guns Update Deployed

Gaijin has announced the successful deployment of the latest War Thunder update called "Big Guns". As the name implies, a pair of military vehicles have been deployed in the form of the B29 Superfortress aircraft and the Maus super heavy tank. The update also features map improvements, graphical enhancements and more.

Gaijin Releases Game Soundtrack

Gaijin Entertainment has released over fifty pieces of music from War Thunder. The music has been split into two albums, Ground Forces and Air Forces and can be purchased at a wide variety of online retailers for approximately $10 per album.

Steel Generals Beta Unleashed

Gaijin has announced the beta release of the War Thunder expansion, Steel Generals. The expansion brings six iconic tanks from the United States into the game, with more coming in 2015. By the end of Quarter 1 2015, the team anticipates thirty US tanks to be embroiled in the fray.

US Tanks, M19 and M26, Ready to Rumble Into Service

Gaijin Entertainment is ready to unleash the next two US tanks set to rumble into War Thunder when the Steel Generals updates launches into game. We have an exclusive preview of two of the tanks, the Twin 40mm Gun Motor Carriage M19 and the M26 Pershing. Check out the first ever published information and screens about this bruising pair of tanks!

Update 1.43 - New Tanks, Planes, Modes

Update 1.43 of World War II MMO War Thunder this week added a host of improvements to its dynamic base game, including new aircraft and ground vehicles, new locations, a new Racing Mode and a reworked Ground Forces Arcade Mode, among others.

"Victory is ours"

In October 1941, the German Army Group "Centre" advanced to Moscow. Only after six months of intense fighting was the enemy able to be thrown from the capital. In the fields near Moscow the first major defeat of the German army in World War II occurred against the myth of its invincibility, and in 9th of May 1945, after the Battle of Berlin, Germany signed the capitulation. To commemorate the heroism of all the participants of the Great Patriotic War, we dedicate our new video to them. The so

Gaijin Announces Soviet T-44 Restoration Project

Gaijin Entertainment has announced that it has entered into a partnership with the Central Museum of Armored Vehicles to begin a restoration project of the Soviet World War II era workhorse tank, the T-44.

Unforgotten - T-44 Restoration Project(Part 1)

Award-winning developer and publisher Gaijin Entertainment and the Central Museum of Armoured Vehicles in Kubinka, have announced a dual partnership to fully restore a World War 2 era Soviet T44 tank.

The BATTLE is ON!" Trailer

Gaijin Entertainment is proud to present new CGI-trailer for cross-platform MMO-combat game War Thunder. This video is called War Thunder: Battle is On and encompasses our vision of game, where aircraft, ground vehicles and naval forces are locked in full-scale global action over WW2 theaters of war. The trailer is also devoted to all our players that always fight and never surrender. The battle is on! Site: http://warthunder.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/WarThunderEN Facebook: h

Gaijin to Support Project Morpheus

Gaijin has announced that it is supporting Project Morpheus, a virtual reality system coming soon for PlayStation 4. Gaijin will bring its premier title, War Thunder, to Project Morpheus and will launch with the system is released.

Battle Rating Explained by the Development Team

Gaijin Developers have started a new series of videos where they cull questions from the official War Thunder site, social media locations and Reddit. In this first video, the team takes on the question of Battle Rating, explaining it in very close detail. Check it out!

Developers Answers: Part 1

The new, regular feature Developers Answers will assist War Thunder players by providing them with answers to numerous questions from the forum and social networking sites, in relation to game mechanics and future development projects.

Cross Platform Play to Extend to Nvidia Shield Tablet

Gaijin Entertainment has announced that it is lending its support to the Nvidia Shield tablet, self-described as the tablet for gamers, but sending War Thunder to the first Android-compatible device.

The T-35 Lands in War Thunder

The first tank to roll off the War Thunder assembly line with the multi-turret option will be the Soviet T-35, which was the only five-turreted heavy tank in the world. Read on for full details!