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War Thunder Articles

Gaijin Sets Its Sights on XBox One and XBox One X

Gaijin Entertainment has great news for War Thunder fans. The company has set its sights on both the XBox One and the XBox One X with developers working hard to deliver its unique experience to couches around the world.

Battle Rating & Economy Changes Detailed

The War Thunder team has posted an extensive look at forthcoming changes to both battle rating and economy. Changes will be forthcoming for aircraft and ground vehicles. Devs have provided a table for reference as well as a graphic representation of how battle rating alterations will play out. Another table has been published to show reductions / increases in various economic systems.

French Aircraft to be Released with Next Update

When the next War Thunder update arrives, over thirty French aircraft will take flight including planes from the 1930s through today. Many of the planes in the French tree never were mass produced due to the constraints of occupation in WWII. The War Thunder team has spent over a year researching historic documents to ensure accuracy.

Update 1.71 Ushers in 'New E.r.a.'

War Thunder has been updated with v1.71 "New E.r.a." that opens a new Rank VI for modern ground vehicles. Nearly forty new tanks and aircraft have been added as well as new locations and brand new features. Most notably, players will be able to take the gunner position in aircraft and play in first person mode.

'War Diaries' Personal Storyline Content Ready to Test

War Thunder players are being invited into the game to try out the new "War Diaries" feature that is essentially each player's personal quest line. For the initial open testing period, several 'tasks' are presented that take place across ten chapters that include letters from the front or memories of folks who took part in these historic events.

The Italian Air Force Soars Into Action

War Thunder has been updated with its sixth nation, Italy. The Italian Air Force is now part of the game and all aircraft can be unlocked by players starting today.

Italian Forces Enter the Fray in Regia Aeronautica

Regia Aeronautica has been released into War Thunder. The update brings Italy into the game as the sixth playable nation complete with a versatile aircraft tree. The update also includes new ground vehicles for US, Soviet and German trees; smoke shells and launchers; three new locations and PlayStation 4 Pro support.

Italy Joining the Fight as the Sixth Playable Faction

The Axis is growing larger in War Thunder with today's announcement that Italy will be added as the game's sixth playable faction. Italian forces will join up in the Regia Aeronautica update. Players will be able to gain access to the Italian vehicular tree as well as several aircraft from light bi-planes to jets.

Month-Long 'Chronicles of World War II' Event Launches

War Thunder players will be able to take part in a month-long event called "The Chronicles of World War II" that is dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of Victory Day. The event will run from now through May 10th and feature new battles on both land and in the air. Players will travel to cities in Europe, the arid deserts of Africa, the chilly Russian environments and to the balmy South Pacific.

Japanese Tanks Rumble Through & Finish CBT

The closed beta for the Japanese tank line has wrapped up in War Thunder. Between now and the release of the Imperial Army's armor, Gaijin will be revealing daily profiles of a number of the vehicles that will be coming to War Thunder soon.

Way of the Samurai Brings Japanese Ground Forces to Bear

War Thunder has been updated with the Way of the Samurai content patch. Most notably, Japanese tanks have been deployed into the game including Types 74, 61, the ST-A1 and the Type 3 Chi-Nu. In addition, tanks will now feature "hydropneumatic suspension, 3D cockpits for all aircraft and two new locations (38th Parallel and Abandoned Factory) have been deployed.

Night Witches Racing Event Rings In 4th Anniversary

Gaijin Entertainment is celebrating the fourth anniversary of War Thunder on November 1st and continuing through the next day. Prior to that, a pair of Halloween racing events will help get players in the holiday mood.

Desert Hunters Update Released With New Maps & Vehicles

Gaijin Entertainment has announced that War Thunder has been updated with the Desert Hunters content expansion. Players can look forward to new maps set in Egypt and Greece as well as more than 20 new vehicles. To celebrate the release Gaijin has published a new trailer to show off some of the new content.

Naval Battles to Set Sail Later This Year

Gaijin Entertainment has announced that naval battles will be entering War Thunder completing the trifecta of warfare from land, sea and air. The closed beta of "Knights of the Sea" is expected to kick off later this year.

Road to Glory Update Deployed

War Thunder has been updated with the new Road to Glory patch that brings a pair of new tanks into the game as well as several overhauled aircraft. In addition, players can take part in the new ground forces crew feature called Reinforcement.