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Warframe's Latest Devshort Puts Devstream 181 in Focus

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Warframe's Latest Devshort Puts Devstream 181 in Focus

Digital Extremes’ latest Warframe Dev Short featuring CEO Steve Sinclair and Creative Director Rebecca Ford dropped recently. Devshorts are a video series where the team spends 15 minutes each week giving updates on the game, with the latest episode putting the team’s plans for Devstream 181 in focus. Devstream 181 will be broadcast from Tokyo Game Show this upcoming Friday, September 27 at 10PM ET.

The Devstream will showcase content updates including Koumei’s release, a rework of the game’s companions, Caliban deluxe weapons, and five new Incarn weapons. “What Is My Fate?” an original song from Koumei’s story will make its debut in Warframe’s first Devshort exclusive reveal.

The stream will also cover a variety of tech and gameplay updates. Expect to learn about the team’s plans to improve melee in open areas and some graphical updates to improve color fidelity in the game. Smaller tweaks will be made to improve reflectivity issues found on some of the game’s skins as well.

Some miscellaneous community feedback was addressed during the Devshort, too. The devs responded to feedback regarding the potential for increased weapon or frame slots for new players as well as regional pricing.

Warframe is available now on PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, and mobile.