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The Young Avengers Arrive in Marvel Snap's Latest Season Update

Casey Bell Posted:
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The Young Avengers Arrive in Marvel Snap's Latest Season Update

The latest Marvel Snap season has arrived and this time Second Dinner has introduced the Young Avengers to the game.

The Season Pass card is Kate Bishop aka Hawkeye. She is a 2/3 with the On Reveal effect of adding 2 Arrows to your hand. There are four different types of Arrow tokens, including Acid Arrow, Basic Arrow, Grapple Arrow, and Pym Arrow. Each arrow token is a 1 cost with a variety of power levels and On Reveal effects. Acid Arrow looks to be the most promising as it is a 1/-2 that switches sides (like Green Goblin) when played.

Besides Kate Bishop, the August season also brings new cards in Marvel Boy, Wiccan, Speed, and Emperor Hulkling.

Marvel Boy, available now, is a 3/2 that boosts 3 of the player’s 1 Cost cards each turn with +1 Power. A perfect fit for Zoo decks.

Wiccan and Speed both synergize with decks that are optimized to play out all of their mana on curve, granting max energy and power bonuses, respectively.

Lastly, Emperor Hulkling is a 6/11 that copies the text of a random 6 Cost card at the start of the game.

For more details on the new season, head over to the official Marvel Snap website.