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The Finals Update 1.5 Adds Solo Limited Time Mode

Casey Bell Posted:
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The Finals Update 1.5 Adds Solo Limited Time Mode

Embark Studios released the first major game update for The Finals this week, adding a new solo limited time game mode and more.

Solo Bank It is is a new “experimental” game mode where 12 players face off against each other in a free-for-all format. The first player to cash out 40K wins the match. Besides being solo, the mode is identical to standard Bank It, in which players must collect coins from defeated players or vaults across the map and then deposit them to cash out.

The Finals can be a great time with a coordinated group but many fans who otherwise enjoy the game have noted that it’s not the best time when queuing with random players. This new limited time mode should offer those who otherwise love the game a potentially less frustrating experience as they only have to account for their own performance.

Update 1.5 also includes plenty of bug fixes and balance changes, as one might expect from a major game update. Embark is using this update to introduce its “fair play guidelines” aimed at curbing cheaters via revamped detection methods.

Read the full patch notes for all the details on game update 1.5.
