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TERA Patch 108 Tomorrow Brings New Dungeon, New Rewards, More

Poorna Shankar Updated: Posted:
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TERA Patch 108 Tomorrow Brings New Dungeon, New Rewards, More

TERA is set to receive one of its largest content update yet in tomorrow’s Build 108 update which brings about a new dungeon, new rewards, and much more.

The new dungeon is called The Fusion Laboratory. It’s a new five-player instance in normal and difficult modes. But make sure you’re leveled for it, as it requires players level 70 and above. You can find the Fusion Laboratory in the basement of the Berak Fortress. There, you’ll face off against Rogash. You may remember Rogash as an enemy you first encountered in the Exodor storyline.

This latest update will bring new equipment as well throughout the various dungeons. Each piece of loot is available in three different rarity levels, blue, gold, and purple. Since we’re all MMORPG experts of sorts (cough), higher colors mean better quality and stats. Good luck grinding.

Several dungeon changes are incoming with this update as well. The number of possible instances has been adjusted. While some dungeons are closing, some are returning like the Abscess and Velik’s Hold.

If you possess enchanted Kaia’s Soul gear, you’ll receive rewards once patch 108 drops tomorrow. These rewards will be per character and will vary depending on their current enchantment level. Rewards include enchantment gold, Blessings of the Goddess, and shiny titles.

Finally, Patch 108 is set to include several quality-of-life improvements as well. For instance, campfires return, introducing a new customized function. Additionanlly, the patch also introduces a system for transferring different equipment values. And finally, the LFG group search will no longer be limited to the player’s current server. This last one should definitely alleviate some frustrations.

Check out the trailer above. Patch 108 for TERA naturally follows patch 107 which itself brought about several adjustments to class balancing. Earlier this year, TERA celebrated its 9th anniversary with a fan art contest.