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Star Citizen: Around the Verse - Leg-go

Suzie Ford Posted:
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Star Citizen: Around the Verse - Leg-go

If it's Friday, you know that it's Star Citizen: Around the Verse day, the day when we can watch the video letting us know the latest in the development of the game. This week, hosts Sandi Gardiner and Chris Roberts discuss "in-game chat, prosthetic limbs, scanning and useful backend tools" alongside the development update.

Roberts begins by speaking about "object container streaming" and Alpha 3.3 that have been undergoing testing. He says that some of the framerates in OCS are "up in the triple digits". As a result, development has shifted to "the build that includes OCS". 

The rest of the video focuses on "chatty Cathys, scanned and deliver, leg work and back-end bolstering". Give it a view and leave us your thoughts in the comments.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom