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Spread Democracy Explosively With Helldivers 2's Latest Warbond

Casey Bell Posted:
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Spread Democracy Explosively With Helldivers 2's Latest Warbond

Helldivers’ democracy spreading arsenal is set to expand even further with the release of the new Democratic Detonation Warbond on April 11.

Forget stealth, the new Warbond is all about spreading democracy in the most explosive way possible. The Warbond adds three new armor sets, three new utilities, three new primary weapons, and trios of a variety of cosmetics from capes, to banners, to victory poses.

One of the unlocks sure to be a favorite amongst players is the new Grenade Pistol. A number of enterprising players have managed to acquire the items early and if nothing changes between now and the official release, the new sidearm is likely to end up a mainstay in every Helldivers loadout. The pistol fires up to 8 small grenades and is capable of closing up bug holes. Need I say more?

Another interesting add is the new Thermite Grenade, which should come in handy when dealing with armored enemies.

The R-36 Eruptor Rifle also looks to be a lot of fun. It’s a bolt-action sniper rifle that fires explosive shrapnel shells.

The Expert Extraction Pilot booster allows players to extract in less time, which should help with some of those skin-of-your-teeth extractions we often deal with when spreading democracy to the bugs and Automatons.