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SMITE - God Reveal - Hera, Queen of the Gods.

Suzie Ford Posted:
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SMITE - God Reveal - Hera, Queen of the Gods.

A new goddess is heading to SMITE, no less than the Greek Queen of the Gods, Hera. Hi-Rez Studios has sent out its signature reveal video to not only provide a peek at her abilities, but also some background from mythology of old. 

Hera's abilities include:

  • Commanding Presence - dealing damage reduces the cooldown of Argus or, if Argus is active, it will heal a tiny amount when Hera deals damage.
  • Royal Assault - Argus and Hera attack together. She casts a pair of portals that allow Argus's fists to come through and smack opponents from both sides. Hera lays down a path of divine magic prior to the portals appearing.
  • Polymorph damages lesser enemies, but if it hits a god, it shifts them into the form of a monster.
  • Divine Shroud - a buff and shield that brings movement speed while active. If Argus is on the battlefield, he also gains a shield.
  • Argus the Defender - he dives out of the sky dealing damage and throwing enemies back. Argus punches and ground punches.

Check out her video and leave us your thoughts in the comments.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom