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Perfect Dark Announced at The Game Awards, Developed by The Initiative

Check out the trailer

Poorna Shankar Updated: Posted:
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Perfect Dark Announced at The Game Awards, Developed by The Initiative

During The Game Awards tonight, Microsoft unveiled Perfect Dark developed by The Initiative.

There’s very little we know of Perfect Dark at the moment, but some information was shared on Xbox Wire. In fact the team Tweeted,

“Humbled and honored to take Perfect Dark into the next generation, paying respect to the past while re-imagining our new world. Looking forward to sharing more with you in the future and so excited to finally say out loud what we have been hard at work on.”

The trailer above shows off Agent Dark, but it’s unclear right now if it’s Joanna, or someone else. The Initiative wrote on Xbox Wire expressing their excitement for the project where they shared a video talking about their goals and their team. There’s no hard confirmation on platforms yet, but it’s safe to assume that the game will release on Xbox Series X|S and PC.


Poorna Shankar