Black Desert Mobile, the popular mobile MMORPG by Pearl Abyss, has recently added a new class to its roster: Zayed, also known as The Sand Serpent That Will Devour All. This exciting new addition brings a unique playstyle to the game, as Zayed brings a host of new abilities and skills that players can turn the tide of battle in an instant.
Zayed specializes in dual wielding double-edged glaives. As the awakening of the Hashashin, the Zayed will devastate enemies with a combination of swift strikes and powerful combos. Zayed’s combat style is meant to deal massive damage to enemies in quick succession, which makes him an ideal choice for players who are looking for a fast-paced and action-packed playstyle.
In addition to his dual glaives, Zayed also possesses a range of other skills and abilities that set him apart from other classes in Black Desert Mobile. He is capable of burrow through the ground and sweep across the battlefield quickly, damaging and disorienting his enemies. He also has the ability to summon powerful sand serpents that will fight alongside him in battle.
Zayed's unique playstyle and abilities make him a valuable addition to any party, and his versatile combat style means that he can adapt to any situation. The addition of the Zayed comes on the heels of the Woosa and Maegu classes that were added to Black Desert Mobile January 16th and 17th of this year. The Twin Class Sisters have been a hit on Mobile and were celebrated by their usual launch events that are meant to help the characters progress along quickly.
We can assume pre-creation events and a class release event will be included with the addition of Zayed in Black Desert Mobile. With the high popularity of the Hashashin class, Zayed is certainly going to become one of the most popular classes in short order.