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Pokket's Guide to SWTOR: +10 Datacron on the Republic Fleet

This week Pokket guides us through SWTOR and shows us how to get the +10 stat datacron that is located on the Republic Fleet. Despite encountering some difficulties, her group successfully reaches their goal. MMORPGcom http://www.youtube.com/user/MMORPGcom FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/Pokketsays TWITTER http://twitter.com/Pokketsays

The Demon Slayer

The Demon Slayer, the final epic character, will officially arrive in MapleStory: Legends on January 11th. The Demon Slayer is a former Black Mage acolyte who is on a quest for redemption. The class brings an arsenal of dark powers into the game that, according to devs, "can be harnessed for good". Check it out! http://www.mmorpg.com http://maplestory.nexon.net

Age of Discovery Review

A video review of Sony Online Entertainment's EverQuest II: Age of Discovery. http://www.mmorpg.com

Game Face Episode 17: Guide to SWTOR's HUTBALL Warzone.

Ever have those times in a new game where you really just didn't know what is going on? Luckily, Pokket is here to guide us through SWTOR's new warzone called HUTBALL. Come back every Thursday for new guides and reviews on video games. MMORPGcom http://www.youtube.com/user/MMORPGcom FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/Pokketsays TWITTER http://twitter.com/Pokketsays

The Dungeon Maker

One of the most highly touted features in the latest EverQuest 2 expansion is the Dungeon Maker. The Dungeon Maker allows players to, well, make and publish their own dungeons using assets discovered and awarded during game play in the EverQuest 2 world. Check out this introductory video.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Combat Trailer

38 Studios has released a new video featuring a look at combat in Kingdoms of Amalur featuring Lead Combat Designer Joe Quadara, Animator Chris Cox, and Lead Animator Young Vo. Enjoy!

Three Empire Design Video

Sony's Creative Director Matt Higby talks about the uniqueness of the three empires as will be featured in PlanetSide 2. Enjoy!

Warfront #4 - Holiday Edition

The End of Nations Warfront is back, this week with plenty of holiday cheer and terrific new information about the MMORTS from Trion Worlds and Petroglyph Games. You'll learn about building companies, find out about priority beta access just in time for the holidays and tons more. Check it out! http://www.mmorpg.com http://www.endofnations.com

Game of Thrones: The Wall

Atlus Games and Cyanide Studios have released a new cinematic video featuring a look at The Wall, the infamous barrier between The Wilds and the Seven Kingdoms. Lord Commander Mormont is instructing new Night's Watchmen about the purpose and challenge of defending The Wall. Game of Thrones, a single player RPG, is anticipated to launch in early 2012. http://www.mmorpg.com http://www.gameofthrones-thegame.com/#/intro/ageGate

Sram's Shadow

Square Enix and the Wakfu team have announced that Sram's Shadow character class will debut in January when the game is slated to hit open beta. Check it out in this new trailer. Enjoy! http://www.mmorpg.com

Game Face #16: The #1 Reason to Play SWTOR

Pokket FINALLY details the last of her top ten reasons why she will be playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. See if you accurately read Pokket's mind about why she's planning to play SWTOR in Game Face #16: THE Top Reason to Play SWTOR. MMORPGcom http://www.youtube.com/user/MMORPGcom FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/Pokketsays TWITTER http://twitter.com/#!/Pokketsays

Streaming the Kill Shot

Acony has sent out a new trailer featuring a "light hearted" look at the in-game system of "streaming" players killing one another. It rather reminds us of the old movie "Running Man". What do you think? Check it out!

Becoming a Vanarch

Frogster has released a new EU trailer for TERA. The new trailer details the political system that will ship with TERA and the process that players will need to go through in order to become an in-game leader, or Vanarch. See if you've got what it takes.

FaeYule Trailer

Trion Worlds and the Rift team have released a new trailer shining the spotlight on the Fae Yule celebration currently ongoing in-game. Feast your eyes!

Holiday Greetings

The ArcheAge team has released a brand new video to send the dev team's holiday greetings out to the world. Enjoy!