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Overwatch Is Getting Cross-Play, But Not Cross-Progression

Joseph Bradford Posted:
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Overwatch Is Getting Cross-Play, But Not Cross-Progression

Overwatch is getting a substaintial update that will hopefully have a positive effect on game queues, as the team at Blizzard announced today that the hero shooter is getting cross play between PC and consoles. However, for those hoping for cross-progression, that will not be happening.

Blizzaard made the announcement this morning via a video with game director Aaron Keller, as well as in a new post on the website, detailing the new feature. Cross play will bring together PC, Xbox, PlayStation and even the Nintendo Switch. However, if you're on console, you'll needto link your console accounts with a Battle.net ID to make this possible.

However, for those hoping this heralds the beginning of cross-progression, that isn't in the cards. Your cosmetics and player hero statistics won't transfer over to the other platforms just because the accounts are now linked. As such, if you are on PC and decide to play on Xbox, you'll be starting from scratch, even if you're syncing up with your regular PC play group.

Hopefully, though, this alleviates some of the long queue times Overwatch has had throughout its life. With so many people playing the game across all platforms, this should make it easier to get into a match instead of spending more time in a skirmish mode waiting. 

Overwatch 2 is in development and is seeing some substantial changes to the meta, especially for comeptitive players. One major change is the removal of a tank slot on teams, reducing team size to five players instead of the standard six right now. Instead of have two tanks, two DPS and two support, Overwatch 2 will now feature only a single tank while the other classes will remain the same.


Joseph Bradford

Joseph has been writing or podcasting about games in some form since about 2012. Having written for multiple major outlets such as IGN, Playboy, and more, Joseph started writing for MMORPG in 2015. When he's not writing or talking about games, you can typically find him hanging out with his 15-year old or playing Magic: The Gathering with his family. Also, don't get him started on why Balrogs *don't* have wings. You can find him on Twitter @LotrLore