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New Waylanders Video Focuses on the Disgraced Heir

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Poorna Shankar Updated: Posted:
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New Waylanders Video Focuses on the Disgraced Heir

The Waylanders team shared a new video looking at a disgraced heir.

“King Ith is leading a delegation to the mythical home of the gods,” begins the description, “Some, like the king himself, view this as a holy pilgramage and the culmination of long years of work. His son, Prince Lugaid, has spent the voyage celebrating, getting drunk, and hoping for a fight.”

You can view that video above. In related news, the Waylanders team released a video taking a look at character creation and gameplay. You’ll be able to choose from classes like Warrior, Guardian, Rogue, Ranger, Sorcerer, and Healer. Each class will come with a host of specializations you can traverse at later levels.

You can also select your race from Human, Mourian, Half-Formorian, Werewolf. And, of course, you’ll be able to select your character’s background, choosing from Celtic Soldier, Celtic Druid, Egyptian, Mourian Diplomat, Mourian Protector, Dogs of Ares Mercenary, Alpha Wolf, and Slave. You can lean more about that here.


Poorna Shankar