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Mortal Online 2 Patch 2.0.2 Goes Live With Combat Changes, Rideable Bears, and More

Casey Bell Posted:
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Mortal Online 2 Patch 2.0.2 Goes Live With Combat Changes, Rideable Bears, and More

Star Vault has released patch 2.0.2 for Mortal Online 2 adding a number of features the developer had promised as part of ‘Sprint 1’ on the game’s roadmap.

With the patch, players can look forward to quality-of-life improvements to combat, mount stamina overhauls, rideable bears (who doesn’t love those?), dismemberment, and even some new content in the form of a dungeon located somewhere in Myrland.

Improvements to combat include the introduction of a secondary weapon set that can be quick swapped into mid-combat, more fluidity when it comes to input queuing, and a host of other miscellaneous changes to all forms of combat from melee to mounted.

In a delightful section of the patch notes titled ‘Gore,’ Star Vault detailed changes allowing for the dismemberment of humanoid bodies when killed, reworks to all of the game’s blood and hit effects, more satisfying effects and feedback when executing humanoids, including ‘more violent’ reactions from humanoids executed shot in the head with arrows, and even the addition of blood splatter on the player’s body following an execution.

There’s lots more to dig into in patch 2.0.2. Read the full patch notes here.