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Lost Ark Online - Festival of Madness - Devil Hunter Gameplay

Suzie Ford Posted:
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Lost Ark Online - Festival of Madness - Devil Hunter Gameplay

In yet another brand new Lost Ark Korean open beta gameplay video, YouTuber "end1e" shows off the Devil Hunter in action in a story scenario at level 33. "The Devil Hunter is one hell of a gun-slinger. He makes use of three different stances."

From the Lost Ark Gamepedia site:

If you can think on your feet and have cat-like reflexes, the Devil Hunter will be your best choice.

  1. The first Stance is quick on the draw with Double Handguns. This is best for eliminating fast approaching enemies.
  2. For larger, closer enemies, nothing works quite as well as the Shotgun Stance.
  3. Lastly, the Rifle Stance is used to snipe off enemies in the distance that are better to not deal with in closer range.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom