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Large Update Brings an New Level Cap Increase & Holiday Joy

MMORPG.com Staff Posted:
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Large Update Brings an New Level Cap Increase & Holiday Joy

ArcheAge Begins has been updated with a meaty new patch that brings an increased level cap to 88, Legendary level raids, Volume 8 of the ongoing game saga, an improved UI and, in a nice node to the holidays, a Christmas themed series of events.

A ‘Damage Meter’ display has also been implemented into the various battle modes available in ArcheAge Begins. The ‘Damage Meter’ will display damage dealt, damage received, and healing provided in battle, which will be available to view in real time. Additional updates include Inoch’s Evolution form ‘Haje of Prophecies,’ an improved Kyprosa costume, and a ‘Rune Fusion’ system.

You can download ArcheAge Begins on the App Store or Google Play.