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Feast Your Eyes on The Waylanders New Location, Compostella

Plus more localization added next week

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Feast Your Eyes on The Waylanders New Location, Compostella

The team behind The Waylanders have shared a trailer looking at a new location called Compostella. Here are some additional details.

Compostella is a city founded on the religion of the era. Described as a thriving city, it’s run by the church where merchants, farmers, and craftspeople all gather under the safety of the cross. The video provides an overview of the area, but also provides a tease at the villain for the second act of the game.

Additionally, the accompanying press release notes that next week on January 25 will see a localization update added to The Waylanders which brings Spanish, Latin American Spanish, French, German, Simplified Chinese, Russian, and Galician support.

“We know players are eager to find out what is going to happen next and we can’t wait to see people explore medieval Galicia.” said The Waylanders Creative Director, Sergio Prieto in the press release. “I hope this little taste of what’s to come keeps all our fans excited. Early Access has been an important part of developing gameplay accompanying this story which is so close to our hearts.”