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Dual Universe - Dev Diary Alpha 2 | July

Suzie Ford Posted:
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Dual Universe - Dev Diary Alpha 2 | July

The latest Dual Universe developer update has been published, this time with news about the July 11th start of Alpha 2 with new additions and improvements. Most notably players will notice several quality of life improvements that have been in development since the end of Alpha 1.

Industry is the second step in the crafting agenda. Industry allows crafters to provide other players with elements for building. Builders creating new elements will have a progression system and they will be able to create "complex crafting chains". This means that elements that are created for engines, for example, can be placed in containers that are then used by other Industries in conjunction with their elements to create more complex designs. Multiple containers can be used for "input" in any Industry with the "output" being an element higher complexity.

Graphic improvements include:

  • volumetric cloud system
  • new water renders including refractions, a wave system, underwater effects

Check out the full video and leave us your thoughts in the comments.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom