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Crowfall Officially Launching On July 6th

Joseph Bradford Posted:
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Crowfall Officially Launching On July 6th

Crowfall, the highly anticipated PvP MMO is finally releasing, coming next month on July 6th.  The upcoming MMO celebrated the announcement with an all-new animatic video about the first story in Crowfall: Eternal Heroes, Dying Worlds.

The upcoming MMO adds some new wrinkles to the MMO design, such as allowing players to move freely between servers and worlds, with each one offering what ArtCraft Entertainment calls a "unique experience."

Via the press release this morning:

"An innovative new approach to MMO design, Crowfall breaks from the tradition of locking characters into a static, never-changing “realm” or “server,” allowing players to move freely between worlds, with each world offering a unique experience—different maps, different politics and different rules. These diverse worlds include The Dregs (massive Throne War campaign with forts, keeps and castles that support 100v100 sieges), God’s Reach (perpetual 3-faction battleground servers), the HungerDome™ (a 12 team, 60 player battle arena) and the Eternal Kingdoms (player-built worlds that offer guilds and monarchs the ability to terraform the terrain and construct spawning cities and massive strongholds).

Across all of the worlds in Crowfall, one key factor differentiates Crowfall: player agency.  Crowfall is a dynamic universe, where players control the direction of the game: cities will rise, castles will fall. Recruit an army and lay siege to your enemies. Hire an assassin to turn the tide of a campaign.  Form a band of mercenaries to raid your neighbor’s stronghold. The fate of the Dying Worlds will be determined by player decisions, choices that will reshape the battle and change the shape of this world, forever."

Originally meant to launch sooner, Crowfall will hit on July 6th after multiple delays. Players will be able to take part in the MMO sooner, as the developers are hosting a beta test leading up to the July 6th launch date. You can sign up for the beta and resgister for an account on the Crowfall website. The beta itself will run through June 23rd. You can check out the latest animatic in the embed above to get ready for the launch of the upcoming MMO.


Joseph Bradford

Joseph has been writing or podcasting about games in some form since about 2012. Having written for multiple major outlets such as IGN, Playboy, and more, Joseph started writing for MMORPG in 2015. When he's not writing or talking about games, you can typically find him hanging out with his 15-year old or playing Magic: The Gathering with his family. Also, don't get him started on why Balrogs *don't* have wings. You can find him on Twitter @LotrLore