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Catch Up on All Things Homeworld with Homeworld 3's 'History of Homeworld' Cinematic

Casey Bell Posted:
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Catch Up on All Things Homeworld with Homeworld 3's 'History of Homeworld' Cinematic

Gearbox Publishing and Blackbird Interactive released a new cinematic for Homeworld 3 earlier this week, hoping to catch players up on the series’ story ahead of its release in May.

Titled ‘History of Homeworld’ the new video features an art style reminiscent of Aaron Kambeitz’s iconic artwork found in the earlier Homeworld titles and does a great job of bringing players up to speed on all things Homeworld in its four minute and change runtime.

Homeworld 3 was originally shown at Gamescom in 2022 with a release date for the same year, only to be delayed to the first half of 2023, and then again to February 2024.  The pain didn’t end there as Homeworld 3 was then delayed to March, and then just days after the launch of its public demo, the game was delayed once more to May 13.

It’s been a long wait for Homeworld fans, but in just over a month players will get their hands on the full version of Homeworld 3 when it launches on May 13. Players can pre-order on Steam or Epic Games Store and can get early access on May 10 by pre-purchasing the $90 USD Homeworld 3 Fleet Commander edition.