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Breach - Sniper Class Trailer

Suzie Ford Posted:
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Breach - Sniper Class Trailer

Breach has officially launched into early access on Steam and as part of the celebration, QC Games has released a new gameplay trailer showcasing the Sniper class.

The Sniper class employs magical boosts to make sure each shot locks in with deadly precision on their enemies in a multitude of ways: from the Vortex Slug, a slow moving shot that creates a vortex on impact, pulling enemies together, to the Snare Trap, which holds enemies in place and applies damages, and to the Snipe signature ability, targeting opponents and eliminating them where they stand with high single-target damage. Timing the use of each Sniper ability will enable players to ruthlessly obliterate monsters with marksman-like efficiency.

Learn more on the Breach Steam page.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom