The Ashes of Creation team was on hand on September 27th for a live stream event and community Q&A. During the event, it was revealed that the stress test is ongoing through October 5th when the NDA will lift. In addition, devs spoke about the battle royale mode and how it is "loosely built into the lore of Ashes of Creation".
The folks at have a terrific write up of the biggest points during the live stream, in particular the battle royale mode:
Battle Royale Notes
- Battle royale mode is loosely built into the lore of Ashes of Creation
- Events of the mode take place during the mass exodus from Verra
- Games start with a failed travel attempt through the portal to escape
- Players testing the mode will have progression and experience tracked
- Cosmetic rewards will be earned for launch of AOC themed after ancient Verra culture during the exodus
- Why battle royale mode?
- It's fun
- It's easy to make
- It's action combat oriented
- Royale mode may not be implemented into AOC official launch
There is a lot of gameplay shown in the stream starting at about minute 6 and continuing for 20 minutes or so before the Q&A begins.
Be sure to check it out and leave us your thoughts in the comments. You can also head to the link above to read the summary.
You can check out another summary of the event on our own forums by user Jahlon!