The ARK: Survival Evolved story began on Earth and with the launch of the Extinction expansion, adventurers return to where they began. Extinction brings a new map, one that features a ruined planet infested with "Element-corrupted creatures".
Key features of Extinction include:
- tame mutated beasts necessary to stay alive
- battle and tame Titan bosses
- fight for Earth's future
- Gasbags allow players to launch into the air and travel forward
- flying Snow Owl turns enemies into "icy statues"
- Cryopods allow players to shrink and store dinosaurs that can be deployed during battle
- aerial item balloons transport items back to base
- Tek Bridges can be deployed at will when needed
- new items and weapons
- find Orbital Supply Drops that bring team-based defense challenges
- Abandoned Metropolis map
- build and pilot Meks
The expansion is a standalone piece of content that is part of the Explorer's Edition or it can be purchased for $19.99.
Learn more in the trailer or by heading to the ARK: Survival Evolved Steam page.