Triad Wars Articles

United Front Games has posted that development on Triad Wars, currently in closed beta testing, will be stopping on January 20, 2016. According to the post, the team realized that "it wasn't right for many of you", leading to the cessation of development. The servers will remain up through January 20th but no further sales will be accepted. has been given special gift keys that will give players an exclusive "Camo Outfit" to wear in Triad Wars - the all new open world crime game! Get your free gift key now!

A new Triad Wars trailer has been released that invites watchers to own the underworld. It's a spicy look at the upcoming game with language and violence to suit. Check it out and see what you think.

Set in the vibrant city of Hong Kong and Sleeping Dogs universe, Triad Wars is an online open-world action/adventure game where you experience high-octane violence and non-stop martial arts action as the #1 badass in a hard-hitting Hong Kong Cinema-styled world of crime. Forge your personal empire in the dark heart of Hong Kong and manipulate the Triad underworld as the ultimate criminal mastermind. Succeed through strategy via extortion, hacking & money laundering or muscle your way to the to

The Triad Wars site has been updated with a forward look at the next patch. In it, the team details several of the key components that they've been working on to include in the patch.

With Triad Wars firmly in closed beta, we sent in a couple of questions to lead designer Steve Ferriara. Check out his answers below.

Triad Wars is an online open-world combat adventure game where you experience high-octane violence and non-stop martial arts action as the #1 badass in a hard-hitting Hong Kong Cinema-styled world of crime. Forge your personal empire in the dark heart of Hong Kong and manipulate the Triad underworld as the ultimate criminal mastermind. Succeed through strategy via extortion, hacking & money laundering or muscle your way to the top with the lethal combination of guns, knives, & fists. Own the str

Triad Wars is a F2P asynchronous MMO currently in closed beta from Square Enix and United Front Games. Taking place in the same universe as open world cult hit Sleeping Dogs, Triad Wars blends a lot of RPG elements with city management and other forms of progression to create a unique blend of genres. But is it any good? Read on for our full impressions from the Closed Beta.

Triad Wars is a F2P asynchronous MMO currently in closed beta from Square Enix and United Front Games. Taking place in the same universe as open world cult hit Sleeping Dogs, Triad Wars blends a lot of RPG elements with city management and other forms of progression to create a unique blend of genres. But is it any good? Read on for our full impressions from the Closed Beta. has partnered with United Front Games to bring our community an exciting beta testing opportunity. We have been given beta keys to get you instant access to this open world sandbox game about the crime underworld in Hong Kong. Get your key now and Own the Underworld while supplies last!

The Triad Wars team will be on hand for a special live stream event today beginning at 2:00 pm Pacific / 5:00 pm Eastern. The stream will showcase the latest development updates as well as give players an opportunity to ask questions of the team.

The Triad Wars team will be on hand later today to show off some of the weapons players can expect to find in the game. Developers will be on hand to answer questions as well.

The Triad Wars team will be hosting a special live stream event on the game's official channel on Wednesday, November 26th beginning at 11:00 a.m. PST / 2:00 p.m. EDT. The team plans to answer fan questions that can be submitted ahead of time for consideration.

The Triad Wars team will be on hand via Twitch live streaming to give fans a first look at how both raids and operations will function when the game launches. Fans can ask questions for possible inclusion via the game's social networks and will also have the opportunity for a closed beta key for watching.