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Total War Saga: TROY

Sega | Official Site


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A Total War Saga: TROY - Free To Keep from Epic Games Store for 24 Hours

No Trojan Horse Here - Get The Game Free

Steven Weber Posted:
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A Total War Saga: TROY - Free To Keep from Epic Games Store for 24 Hours

SEGA Europe Ltd. And The Creative Assembly Ltd. Have released A Total War Saga: TROY on the Epic Games Store. Those who head over to the Epic Games Store within the first 24 hours of release will get the game completely free.

A Total War Saga: TROY is inspired by Homer’s Iliad and focuses on the Trojan War. Players will be able to customize their faction, battle through an exciting campaign, marvel at real-world artistry and be part of the new multiple resource economy, which is new to the franchise. Game director Maya Georgieva’s perspective on A Total War Saga: TROY:

“With TROY, we've created a truly unique Total War experience. We're incredibly proud of what our team at Creative Assembly Sofia has accomplished in its recreation of this iconic period, and feel it is a great next step for the Saga series"

A Total War Saga: TROY launches on PC exclusively on the Epic Games Store today and will become available on other digital PC storefronts such as Steam in August 2021. Check out our hands on preview of the game and a recent developer interview before you head over and pick it up.


Steven Weber

Steven has been a writer at MMORPG.COM since 2017. A lover of many different genres, he finds he spends most of his game time in action RPGs, and talking about himself in 3rd person on his biography page.