Torment: Tides of Numenera Articles

From now through May 21st, you can play Torment: Tides of Numenera for free on Steam. It's a great opportunity to play one of the highly acclaimed cRPG without spending a dime. But if you do decide to buy, you can do so for as little as $18 for the base game.

inXile and Techland are celebrating the worldwide release of Torment: Tides of Numenera with a brand new trailer. The game went live for XBox One, PlayStation 4 and PC earlier today. The trailer sets the stage for Torment by giving viewers an introduction to the game's premise and a look at some of its most notable features.

While several well-known cRPGs have been released over the preceding few years, none has bigger shoes to fill than Torment: Tides of Numenera. As the spiritual successor to the much acclaimed Planescape: Torment, fans will come flocking to the title for nostalgia’s sake. They will be rewarded with an experience that feels familiar and yet completely new in a genre that has been brought forward to a new generation.

inXile and Techland have sent out a brand new trailer for Torment: Tides of Numenera that gives a great basis for the story that is said to be "a billion years in the making".

Techland and inXile have announced a new contest celebrating Torment: Tides of Numenera. If the official Facebook page reaches 35,000 by February 11, 2017, a drawing will be held for a Torment-themed PlayStation 4 Pro. Folks are also encouraged to post an answer to the following question: "Imagine that people living one billion years in the future find a random object from today. What is it and what do you think they would use it for?"

We took a moment to sit down with InXile's CEO Brian Fargo to talk about the nuances of making a crowd-funded game and what people can expect from the upcoming RPG.

Reddit user Snakespaw has compiled a list of links to confirmation that several features have been cut from Torment: Tides of Numenera. Three companions, a crafting system and Italian language localization have been stripped from the final release of the game.

There has been a lot of talk in the media lately about Tides of Numenera, the latest RPG that is coming out from InXile. It is important because InXile was able to Kickstart the game and has now built a solid product we can all look forward to. It seems like crowd funding is the only way these types of games are being made any more. However, with Torment being on everyone’s mind, maybe publishers will start to turn their eyes on the RPG genre again.

inXile Entertainment and Techland have released a new trailer to show how combat will function in the game in all its nuanced ways. Players can choose several options in any given battle opportunity -- deception, persuasion, stealth or just take the most direct route and pop 'em.

Torment: Tides of Numenera is coming closer to players' hands now that gold status has been achieved. To celebrate this seminal moment in the game's development, inXile and Techland have released a brand new interactive quest trailer to show players how individual choices can determine a characters path and development throughout the game. The video features several different endings and players are invited to taste a tiny portion of what Torment will offer.

inXile Entertainment has announced that Torment: Tides of Numenera will finally be leaving Early Access and head to full release on February 28, 2017 for PC, XBox One and PlayStation 4. Players can get hold of the PC version via GoG or Steam.

One of the roles players can take on in Torment: Tides of Numenera is that of the "Jack", ostensibly named for a "Jack of All Trades" archetype. Considered a versatile fighter that can utilize a number of skills across categories, the Jack can be a formidable opponent. Check out the Jack class and let us know what you think.

Techland has released a the latest in a series of videos to reveal the character classes to be found in Torment: Tides of Numenera. This time Glaives, champions of a diverse weapon and armor user. Players can choose Might, Might / Speed, or pure speed. Glaives are offensive characters that can take high amounts of damage and can take the tank role. Check out the Glaive after the jump.

The Torment: Tides of Numenera team has sent out a brand new video to show off another of the upcoming title's playable characters. In the first in a series of character class videos, the Nano class, effectively the sorcerer of the game, is the star. Nanos use the ancient technology of Numenera and use range to rain damage on enemies.

inXile Entertainment and Techland Publishing have released a brand new trailer that shows off the incredibly detailed and varied world that players will face off in during Torment: Tides of Numenera.