The Repopulation Articles

The Repopulation site has been updated with a new post that provides the community with a look at the most recent development milestones to the game. While some of 2018's roadmap spilled into 2019, developers were able to "complete several goals" with a lot of "forward movement". Most recently, the team has been working on the Tutorial Island by overhauling its scripting and preparing it for new terrain textures.

We have received word from the team behind The Repopulation that the game will be brought down later today to bring a large new patch on board. The update brings a number of tweaks to the combat system into the game as well as performance improvements and two completely rebuilt areas. The letter also goes into detail about what the team has accomplished in 2018 and what it is currently working on and what is planned as we head into 2019.

The Repopulation forum has been updated with a lengthy post from the development team to discuss both frustrations and successes in the past month. While the game did not receive an update recently, "a lot of progress has been made on the back end", though frustrating issues cropped up that pushed other planned development progress further back.

The Repopulation is a work in progress and the team has posted a new article detailing what is currently in the works and what is coming further down the road both from a technical and developmental standpoint.

According to a post on the newly revamped The Repopulation site, the game servers will be opening again for backers beginning on March 12th. To prepare, downloads of the client are currently available. According to the post, nothing has changed as far as log in and access for those who are backers of the game.

In a surprising move, we've learned via MMOGames that Repopulation's developer Above and Beyond Technologies has sold the entirety of The Repopulation to HERO Engine developer Idea Fabrik. The Repopulation will be re-opened and development will begin again soon, while Above and Beyond focuses on Fractured as their main project.

Early Access for The Repopulation: Fragmented, a survival title based on the same game world as the original, has officially kicked off on Steam. Those choosing to buy Fragmented for $18.74 (25% off for now) will automatically be granted access. Backers of the original title have already been granted Early Access status.

Above And Beyond Technologies' developer J.C. Smith has sent word that the NDA for Fragmented has officially lifted several days ahead of the game's launch on Steam, scheduled for April 26th. In addition, Smith wrote that all current owners of The Repopulation will have the game automatically added to their Steam library.

The Repopulation: Fragmented, the survival title based on the same game universe as The Repopulation, is ready to hit early access on April 26th. To celebrate the big news, Above & Beyond Technologies has released a brand new trailer. Check it out!

The Repopulation's Fragmented standalone survival game has undergone a number of changes throughout March. Backers of the original MMO who requested access have been invited to check out the alpha version of Fragmented. In addition, the NDA will be lifted soon and all is on track for Early Access prior to the end of April.

The Repopulation is being rebuilt using the Unreal 4 engine, which will require largely starting from the ground and working upward. To pass the time between now and the relaunch of The Repopulation's Early Access, the team has created "Fragmented", a survival title based on the same game universe. Backers are urged to sign up to test Fragmented by visiting The Repopulation site.

Recently, Above and Beyond Technologies announced that The Repopulation, their long-in-development MMORPG would be switching to Unreal Engine 4 from the Hero Engine. Not only did we all breathe a sigh of relief when the news was announced because the game's development would carry on, but we actually began to get excited for The Repopulation once more.

After earlier issues with the alpha servers in December 2015, The Repopulation has been offline since. A new post has been written on the official site with some very good news for players and fans of the game. The Repopulation is moving to the Unreal engine which will require rewriting the base code from scratch hence a significant delay in the release of the game. However, backers and players will gain access to Fragmented, a survival title based in the same game universe as The Repopulation.

The Repopulation alpha servers will be going offline sometime today as the team searches for solutions to recent issues with Hero Engine creators, Idea Fabrik. The server will remain offline until some type of resolution is found but the team remains confident that the game will ship in "as timely a fashion as possible".

The Repopulation, built using the Hero Engine, stands the very real possibility that there will be serious downtime as a result of Idea Fabrik's financial issues. The development team has forewarned its community about possible outages as it searches for alternatives to the troubled engine, though it would necessitate "rebuilding the game from scratch code wise, though some things would convert over (art, data)".