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The Missing Ink

RedBedlam | Official Site


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The Missing Ink Articles

A Quirky, Story-Based MMO

The Missing Ink is not your run of the mill MMO. It's an often goofy parody of an MMO and appears to be a lot of fun. We've been playing in the realms of The Missing Ink and have a lot to say in our latest review. Read on before letting us know what you think in the comments.

Give Us Your Muddled Asses

RedBedlam has announced its desire for the "muddled asses" of the world to join the open alpha phase of development for The Missing Ink. According to the dev team, anyone heading to the official site and signing up will automatically be eligible to play what is arguably one of the most unique and intriguing MMOs currently in development.

Ready for Alpha Testing

Fans of The Missing Ink will want to head over to the official site to grab a link and a key to the alpha test of the genre-bending new MMO.

Alpha Trailer

The Missing Ink is introduced to players through this 'alpha trailer'.

A 'Mostly Traditional' MMO

Indie developer, Redbedlam, has announced the creation of a new MMO called "The Missing Ink". Calling their game a "mostly traditional MMO", the team has revealed that some of the world's most enduring stories live in The Missing Ink but with a twist: "Each of the stories are strangely corrupted."