The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Overview
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is an original action RPG partly inspired by the classic novel Dracula. The hero, a young Van Helsing, is the son of the novel's famous vampire hunter. The game takes place in a city called Borgovia, where Van Helsing's monster slaying skills will come in very handy.
Van Helsing has for a companion the ghostly Lady Katarina, assisting him in this world of monsters. The game features humor, often dark, and deliberate anachronisms in its Gothic inspired setting.
- Create & Customize Your Character | Character creation and customization evolve through the game, guided by your choices throughout. Pick and choose what skills to learn or leave behind.
- Humorous, Adventure Story | Original story in Borgovia places Van Helsing into a tale of monsters, mad science, and politics.
- Multiplayer Co-op | Special multiplayer mode for up to four players lets you compete to be the best monster killer.