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36 Results
New Releases On Track for 2020 According to Acitivision Blizzard CEO

New releases for 2020 are on track, according to Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick.

World of Warcraft Game Director Ion Hazzikostas Discusses Game's Evolution

In a recent interview with WIRED, World of Warcraft Game Director Ion Hazzikostas gave his thoughts on the evolution of WoW and the ever-changing landscape of MMORPGs.

World of Warcraft Community Sees Growth in Activision Blizzard's Q1 Earnings Report

According to the Q1 Earnings Report for Activision Blizzard, World of Warcraft has seen an increase in active players.

Blizzard President J. Allen Brack Says World of Warcraft is 'A Very Social Experience'

Days after Mike Morhaime lamented that World of Warcraft has become less social, Blizzard's President J. Allen Brack remarked in the Q1 2020 Earnings Call that WoW is actually, "a very social experience."

World First Solo of Hivemind in Ny'alotha Achieved in World of Warcraft

A player by the name of Rextroy has achieved the world's first solo of Hivemind in World of Warcraft's Ny'alotha. Here are the details.

Shadowlands Alpha Receives Ray Traced Shadows

If you're a fan of ray tracing and World of Warcraft, well, the ongoing Shadowlands alpha has received ray tracing.

World of Warcraft's Shadowlands Alpha Brings Updates to Stormwind and Orgrimmar Hubs

Changes to the Stormwind and Orgrimmar class hubs have hit World of Warcraft Shadowlands' latest alpha. Here's what's in store.

World of Warcraft Hotfix Addresses Ny'alotha

A recent World of Warcraft hotfix addresses Ny'alotha and more.

World of Warcraft Player Hits Level 120 Without Dying

A World of Warcraft player has claimed to reach level 120 without dying once.

World of Warcraft Datamine Reveals New Vampire Models for Shadowlands

A new World of Warcraft datamine reveals new vampire models in the upcoming Shadowlands alpha.

Giving The Healer Their Due - A Look At One Of The Major Roles In Keeping Your MMO Group Alive

Something has been mulling around in my mind since late March - and that's how little love healers tend to get compared the ire they draw if a group wipes. Players should be more eager to "toss a proverbial coin" to their healers, to steal a still popular meme, than they currently are.

Blizzard Shares World of Warcraft Covenant Class, Signature Abilities, and Shadowlands Update

Earlier today, Blizzard shared a brace of updates on upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, Shadowlands, as well as covenant classes and signature abilities.

Five MMORPGs I'd Love To See On Console

For most of gaming's history, MMORPGs have mostly been PC affairs. But game after game has shown that there is a large fanbase eager to play these games on console. Here are the ones I'd love see make the jump to the living room.

World of Warcraft Mythic Dungeon Invitational Moves To Remote Broadcasts

Blizzard has provided an update on World of Warcraft's Mythic Dungeon International.

World of Warcraft Survey Asks About Classic Burning Crusade Character Creation

A recent World of Warcraft survey asks about Classic Burning Crusade Character creation. Hmm.