Wrath of the Lich King Classic is preparing for Operation Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall, and the team is making some adjustments looking ahead to the debut of Cataclysm Classic.Â
World of Warcraft Classic will be getting the Call of the Crusade on June 20th, including a new Titan Rune Dungeon - Defense Protocol Beta, and season 7 for Wrath Classic.
World of Warcraft has opened up another way to play together, with cross-realm queues for Arenas and Battlegrounds now open (including for Wrath Classic).
World of Warcraft adds Ulduar raid to Wrath of the Lich King Classic, as the Secrets of Ulduar adds new content, a new Arena Season, rewards, and more.
The next content phase for Wrath of the Lich King Classic is coming soon, with Arena Season 6, Ulduar raid, new Emblems, and more in World of Warcraft Classic.
Cross-realm arenas and battlegrounds could be coming to a World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic near you, thanks to the news that Blizzard is testing the feature. In an update via the forums, the feature is being put through its paces on the Wrath PTR.