Blizzard has issued a warning for all current World of Warcraft players still seeking out rewards from Battle for Azeroth - they will soon no longer be obtainable.
World of Warcraft developer Blizzard is urging players to reap their rewards in Azeroth while they can. Before you venture forth to the Shadowlands, players may want to dive into the list of rewards that will no longer be obtainable, or much more difficult to obtain, in the upcoming expansion.
Blizzard has shared that PvP medallion trinkets - called CC break trinkets - will see their CC break functionality restored in World of Warcraft's upcoming Shadowlands expansion, which is currently in beta.
Well. World of Warcraft's Onyxia was defeated by a group of naked raiders you guys.
In a post over on the World of Warcraft forums, Blizzard has announced that they are going to enable addons for the latest build of the Shadowlands Beta. Beta testers that are currently playing will need to update their client before they are able to test the aforementioned addons.
A host of new updates from Blizzard provide us some additional information about World of Warcraft's imminent expansion, Shadowlands.
A recent interview with World of Warcraft's Ion Hazzikostas has provided some additional information on Conduits and more.
It looks like changing your gender will soon be free in World of Warcraft Shadowlands.
Recently we had the chance to check out World of Warcraft Shadowlands ahead of next week's beta. Robin takes you through the Venthyr, max level Maw and talks about Torghast.
A recent datamine for World of Warcraft Shadowlands has revealed some addition information regarding customization, dungeons, and more.
We have an idea of what the Purple Vulpin mount looks like in World of Warcraft's upcoming Shadowlands expansion.
The Midsummer Fyre Fire Festival is live now in World of Warcraft, and will run through July 5.
Blizzard has suspended over 74,000 World of Warcraft accounts which they found to be in violation of their End User License Agreement (EULA).
In case you missed it, Blizzard shared a preview for Shadowlands' Maldraxxus and the Necrolord Covenant, set to arrive when the expansion hits World of Warcraft later this year.
Take a spin with Robin as she breaks down her thoughts on World of Warcraft's Ardenweald, straight from the Shadowlands Alpha.