According to the system requirements for World of Warcraft's upcoming expansion, Shadowlands, you'll need an SSD system configurations
On the back of the release date for World of Warcraft Shadowlands slated for October 27, here's your reminder that you can manage your adventures in the upcoming expansion through the recently announced companion app.
During Gamescom's Opening Night Live, Blizzard announced that World of Warcraft Shadowlands will release October 27th of this year. The announcement was included in a trailer depicting areas of the Shadowlands that players can look forward to visiting.
In a tweet from the official World of Warcraft twitter account, Blizzard is providing a free copy of Shadowlands with the purchase of an AMD Radeon RX 5700 or RX 5600 series graphics card. They are also kindly reminding everyone that their animated short series premiere will be in one hour on Opening Night Live.
Guilds in World of Warcraft have certainly changed and evolved over the course of the game's history. To that end, Blizzard shared some additional updates on how to set up guild ranks, rank permission, guild bank, guild bank permissions, and more.
Get ready for August 28 as Blizzard will be opening WoW Shadowlands raid testing for the second wing of Castle Nathria LFR.
In a tweet from the official World of Warcraft Twitter account, details emerged of a Shadowlands-centric Animated Series premiering during Gamescom. Opening Night Live will be showing the animated short August 27th at 2PM ET.
As we continue through the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands on the PTR, we're still hard at work prepping our live characters for the inevitable Fall release of the expansion. Robin takes you through what she's doing to prepare.
Oh yes, there's a World of Warcraft speed runner who speed-leveled through Shadowlands beta from level 10-50 in under three hours.
You can now craft Legendaries at multiple item levels in the World of Warcraft Shadowlands beta.
With the World of Warcraft Shadowlands pre-expansion live on Test right now, it looks like a zombie plague has taken over.
World of Warcraft Shadowlands players reported issues in the beta related to LUA over the weekend. Blizzard appeared to have issued an update.
Remember Blizzard's response regarding proc weapons and global cooldown for WoW Classic? Well, it looks like they're walking it back somewhat.
As a quick reminder, Arena World Championships for World of Warcraft will return on August 22. Here's the schedule.
PvP World Quest are returning to World of Warcraft Shadowlands.