Blizzard has just revealed that Shadowlands, the latest expansion for World of Warcraft, has been delayed to later this year.
Blizzard needs your help as WoW Shadowlands is set to undergo a PTR Stress test today at 12p PDT.
It looks like Blizzard reverted Shadowlands' pre-patch PTR to the Test candidate, while character wipes are incoming.
In a world-first on live servers for the same realm, it looks like 40 Paladins from the Sulfuron-EU realm have cleared Molten Core in WoW Classic.
Character customization options are coming to World of Warcraft's Shadowlands when the expansion drops on October 27. Here's what's changing.
Blizzard has outlined several World of Warcraft changes and other helpful info as we all prepare for the Shadowlands pre-patch.
It looks like the latest build of World of Warcraft Shadowlands on PTR has made a few Warlords of Draenor crafted transmogs effectively unobtainable.
Well. It looks like Blizzard has just banned thousands of bots in WoW Classic according to a recent forum post reiterating how no cheats or hacks are allowed.
The fourth and final episode of the World of Warcraft animated short series, Afterlives, has released. The episode follows Sire Dentharius as he attempts to calm his people during the anima drought.
If you've experienced harassment in World of Warcraft, Blizzard has outlined some tools and steps you can take to address that.
Blizzard has released the third episode for the Shadowlands series, Afterlives. Afterlives is a four-part series that outlines what players are getting themselves into when they finally step foot in the released version of Shadowlands, the next World of Warcraft Expansion.
For those of you who enjoy leveling alts, good news, It appears Blizzard has heard you and have provided an update on how they want to provide a better experience for you when Shadowlands arrives in World of Warcraft on October 27.
You can have a hand in choosing World of Warcraft's next mount for Shadowlands.
Blizzard made some waves when the official system requirements of Shadowlands was revealed to require an SSD.
The Impressive Influence Reputation buff is coming back for this month in World of Warcraft, and will include Visions of N'Zoth factions.