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Blizzard Confirms Great Vault Is Indeed Bugged

If you've been thinking World of Warcraft's Great Vault is bugged, well, you're right. Blizzard has confirmed just as much.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands: Is Threads Of Fate Worth It?

When most of the players in Shadowlands jumped into the game, there was an eagerness to try out the new content and explore the new campaign. With all four zones offering dynamic and fascinating storytelling opportunities, there was much to do. But one of the key questions for games like World of Warcraft is how to to make alting easier. Threads of Fate just might answer that question for you.

World of Warcraft Battlegrounds Weekly Event Underway

World of Warcraft's weekly bonus event, the Battlegrounds, is underway. Here are some details.

World of Warcraft Shadowlands Season 1 Starts Tomorrow - See What's in Store!

Blizzard posted a short preview along with an accompanying "Survival Guide" for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Season 1. Players will be introduced to a new affix, new PvP gear, a new Castle Nathria raid, and more.

Naxxramas Raid Is Live On WoW Classic

Whether your Horde or Alliance, rejoice! The Naxxramas raid is now live on WoW Classic alongside the Shadow of the Necropolis update.

World of Warcraft Hotfix Removes Daily Lockout on Heroic Shadowlands Dungeons

A recent hotfix for World of Warcraft brings a bunch of fixes, including removing a daily lockout on heroic difficulty Shadowlands dungeons.

Someone Made a World of Warcraft x Cyberpunk 2077 Machinima Trailer...And It Works

I bet you weren't expecting this. But someone going by Duren_movies has created a machinima trailer mashing up World of Warcraft and Cyberpunk 2077.

World of Warcraft: The Up and Down of Shadowland's Linear Storytelling

Robin reflects on how the latest expansion for World of Warcraft, Shadowlands, tells its story as she works through the new content.

Blizzard Previews Professions Ahead of Shadowlands Release

Blizzard has shared a preview of professions ahead of the Shadowlands release for World of Warcraft next week.

World of Warcraft Hotfix Addresses Allied Races, Dungeons, and More

The latest World of Warcraft hotfix addresses allied races, classes, and more.

World of Warcraft Talks Character Customization with In-Depth Engineer's Workshop

Customization has gone through quite a few changes over the years in World of Warcraft, and now, with Shadowlands bursting from every seem, ready to explode into the live game, Blizzards engineering team gets down to the technical aspects of customization, its history and how it has changed.

World of Warcraft Shadowlands Receives Additional Pre-Expansion Updates

Blizzard has released an update to their Shadowlands pre-expansion notes for World of Warcraft, with classes as the primary focus.

Keystone Masters Mythic Dungeon Invitational on Shadowlands Beta Servers on November 13

Keystone Masters are hosting a Mythic Dungeon Invitational for World of Warcraft set to take place on Shadowlands beta servers on November 13.

More WoW Classic PTR for Naxxramas Continues Today

More WoW Classic PTR raid testing is set to occur later today in Naxxramas. Here are some details.

Blizzard GearFest Kicks Off Today

Blizzard's GearFest has officially kicked off today and will run through November 16 providing a whole bunch of collectibles, pins, and figures across World of Warcraft, Diablo, and more.