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World of Warcraft's New Player Housing System: Promise, Pitfalls, and Guild Neighborhoods

Robin takes a closer look at last week's housing blog, which gave some details of its upcoming housing system in World of Warcraft's Midnight in this week's Arlee in Azeroth.

WoW Season of Discovery Phase 7 Opens an All-New Dungeon and a Remagined Naxxramas Raid

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 7 debuts a brand new dungeon and reimagines the Naxxramas raid.

World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic's Hour of Twilight Arrives On February 18th, Bringing New Raid, Story Beats To Azeroth

World of Warcraft's Cataclysm Classic is gearing up for its next major raid, Hour of Twilight, launching later this month. The new raid brings new loot, story, and more to Classic as it moves through the Cataclysm era heading into Mists of Pandaria Classic sometime this summer.

World of Warcraft Breaks Down Its Vision For Player Housing, And Thankfully Lapsed Subscriptions Don't Mean Repossession

Blizzard broke down its vision for the upcoming player housing feature slated to launch with World of Warcraft's next expansion, Midnight. This vision includes making housing social, meaningful, and if your sub lapses, you don't lose your house.

World of Warcraft's Undermine Cartels Detailed In New Blog Post

Blizzard detailed the various cartels operating in Undermine, coming in the next major update, in a new blog post.

Best PvP MMOs To Play In 2025

 Typically, MMORPGs put a majority of their focus into building a living world, crafting an epic storyline, and/or creating in-depth roleplaying elements. However, sometimes players get tired of working together to take down the latest big bad and just want to throw down against each other. Here are the top MMOs of 2025 to get your PvP fix in.

In Azeroth, Love is in the Air is Back, Offering a Sweeping New Mount, Pets, and More to Love

Love is in the Air is back in focus in Azeroth, now that the event has returned in World of Warcraft Earn yourself a brand new mount and pet, achievements, and more.

New Report Estimates Blizzard Took in Over $15m on Recent Limited $90 Mount

There seems to be a pretty large market for even a very pricey mount. A new report estimates Blizzard banked over $15m from a $90 gilded dinosaur.

World of Warcraft's Second Anniversary Trading Post Offers Extra Trader's Tender and New & Returnng Items

In February, the World of Warcraft Trading Post will be marking its second anniversary, so expect a special selection and bonus reward that is perfect to celebrate the Lunar New Year. 

Microsoft Addresses Promo Email that Listed World of Warcraft in a List of Game Pass Titles

After sending a Game Pass promo that listed World of Warcraft and other titles, Microsoft issues a response.

World of Warcraft Announces Mythic+ Changes to Create Smoother, Less Frustrating and Rewarding Progression

The World of Warcraft team has announced some Mythic + updates on the way to reduce frustration, create a moe sustaned, rewarding progression journey.

Plunderstorm is Back! But is it Better Than Ever? | Arlee in Azeroth

Plunderstorm, Blizzard's experimental battle royal mode using World of Warcraft as the base, returned on Tuesday, January 14th with some new twists. Robin takes a deep look at the changes.

Discover the Goblin Hub of Undermine, in New World of Warcraft Undermine(d) Preview

A new zone preview takes us into the cartel-controlled goblin city of Undermine, in World of Warcraft's new Undermine(d) preview.

The Joyous Journeys XP Bonus Has Returned to World of Warcraft Classic

The Joyous Journeys buff is back in World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic for a limited time.

Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley Go Live in World of Warcraft Classic 20th Anniversary Edition

The Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley Battlegrounds have just gone live in World of Warcraft Classic's 20th Anniversary Edition realms.