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You Can Now Buy LOTRO's Mini-Expansion With LOTRO Points

Previously only available with cold-hard cash through the Standing Stone Games' website, long-time Lord of the Rings Online players who waited until they could spend their LOTRO points can finally pick up the content via the in-game LOTRO store.

Executive Producer of The Lord of the Rings Online Hosts Q&A, Talks Gundabad Delay, River Hobbits and More

The LotRO community was able to ask questions directly of the developers at Standing Stone Games today thanks to an hour-long live Q&A hosted on Twitch by the Executive Producer Rob "Severlin" Ciccolini. This wasn't a simple one either, as Severlin fielded questions from everything such as the upcoming Gundabad expansion, PvMP changes to plans about upcoming races, such as River Hobbits.

LotRO's New Mini-Expansion Is Giving Me Mixed Feelings

The Lord of the Rings Online's self-styled "mini-expansion" has definitely been controversial, so much so that it's giving Bradford, our resident LOTRO expert, mixed feelings. Is it truly something that should be called a "mini-expansion"or does it feel like a cash grab from what many feel is an inattentive studio?

UPDATE: LOTRO Update 28.1 Releases as Server Issues Affect Multiple Worlds

Server issues appear to be plaguing Lord of the Rings Online today as Update 28.1 releases.

The Lord of the Rings Online's War of Three Peaks Expansion Versions Finally Revealed, Releases Today

The controversial mini-expansion for The Lord of the Rings Online, War of Three Peaks, has finally been detailed by Standing Stone Games. On the expansions page, you can see what separates the different varied costs of War of Three Peaks, as well as check out a new trailer for the content update, which goes live today.

New Test Server Update For LOTRO Brings Scaleable Missions

The Lord of the Rings Online's test server is running again, and this time will allow players to test out new, scaleable missions. Additionally, the multi-tiered raid for The War of Three Peaks brings the fourth tier to the test server.

The Lord of the Rings Online Preview Server Live With Update 28 , New Zone Reportedly Leaked

Lord of the Rings Online's next update, War of Three Peaks, is coming soon and the preview server offers a first glimpse at exactly what players can expect from the accompanying update.