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19 Results
15% Of You Played Star Squadrons in VR in the First Week

In a bit of fun, the team behind Star Wars Squadrons released some statistics recapping the first week of the game's release.

Ilysia - A Quick Look And Interview With The Devs Behind The VR MMORPG

With about 1 day left on their Kickstarter, Kevin took a dive in Ilysia, the upcoming VR MMORPG from Team 21 Studio, as well as chatted a bit with the team behind the project.

Red's Read on Shadow of Valhalla

Virtual reality has a stronger start since the Oculus Rift than any other previous attempt, but the technology has still been moderately sluggish into the market. Despite that, Red Thomas invests in the Valve Index and gives Shadow of Valhalla a try. Red discusses his experience with the game and makes his typical caveated recommendations to readers.

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Will Not Receive VR Compatibility or Base Building at Launch

The recently announced expansion to Elite: Dangerous, called Odyssey, has had a few more details shared today thanks to a forum post.