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4 Results
Star Wars Galaxies: Restoration's 'Expanding Horizons' Update Adds 4K Texture Upgrade, New Playable Species, and Much More

Star Wars Galaxies: Restoration adds new playable species, overhauled skill trees, new heroics, vehicle customization features, the Ranger profession, and a 4K texture upgrade.

SWTOR Will Modernize Locations & Character Models, Add a New Task System and Companion Mounts in a Packed 7.6

Star Wars: The Old Republic's patch 7.6, will visually modernize locations and character models, continue the stry, add a new task system, new cosmetics, a TV tie-in, new boss, and much more.

No Man's Sky Worlds Update Overhauls and Expands Planetary Diversity, Lighting, Weather, and Adds New Content Too

No Man's Sky's Worlds update, version 5.0, is bringing some big changes. Part 1 is here, and Hello Games is calling this update one that transforms the universe in so many ways.

Nightingale Showcases Wondrous Visuals and Updated Water VFX

Nightingale, an upcoming game by Inflexion Games, has recently showcased its new visuals in their latest article titled "Inflexion Reflections.