V4 just just got its biggest update of the year. Nexon's centerpiece is the new Reaper class, but the update also changes the way characters can skill up for all of its classes with two new systems.
There is an eclectic selection of MMORPGs available for mobile devices, and new MMOs seem to come out nearly every month for iOS and Android. Unfortunately, new MMOs are much more rare for PC. So what are the best mobile MMORPGs that you can play on the go while you wait for the next big MMO to come out?
Recently we had the chance to sit down with NAT Games to talk about their recently released Mobile/PC MMO Victory Four, or V4 for short.
EArlier this month, V4, short for Victory Four, brought what it promises to be a high-end MMO experience to the palm of your hand. How does it fare? Here is our review.
V4, the cross-platform MMORPG from Nexon, is now available across mobile devices and PC.
Nexon has announced that pre-registration for its upcoming MMORPG, V4, is now available.
Mobile MMORPG, V4, has launched in Macau, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.