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217 Results
Guild Wars 2 Patch Provides Fixes to Strike Missions

The most recent Guild Wars 2 patch provides a few bug fixes, along with some fixes to Strike Missions.

TERA Console Receives New Apex Class Skills and New Dungeon on June 30

TERA console is launching the Awakening content update on June 30th, adding new skills, new quests, and a new dungeon.

Elite Dangerous 'Fleet Carriers' Update Available Now

The newest update to Elite Dangerous is available now which adds the much-anticipated Fleet Carriers ships into the universe. Fleet Carriers are massive ships used as a mobile base of operations, offering multiple landing pads and various services.

AION 7.5 Update Launches Today in Europe

AION is set to receive a massive 7.5 update to the European version of the game later today. Here are the details.

Crucible Team Removing Two of the Three Game Modes

Crucible, the MOBA-esque multiplayer co-op shooter from Amazon Game Studios, will see two of its three game modes removed in favor of polish.

CCP Games Announce Two Special In-Game EVE Online Events, Starting June 9

EVE Online developer CCP Games today announced two special in-game events: Gathering Storm Daily Login Campaign and Lightning Strikes Live Event. Here's what you need to know.

Astellia Previews June 9th Update Removing Some Daily Quests

Daily quest and weekly quests are getting removed and changed in some areas in the latest Update Preview for Astellia's June 9 release.

Population Zero's 'Play With Your Friends' Update Live

A new update for Population Zero, called Play with your Friends, is now live allowing you to...play with your friends.

Temtem Delays Spring Update Until Mid-Summer

PC creature collection game TemTem has delayed its Spring update until mid-Summer.

MapleStory's Adele Class Arrives June 24, Receives 'Rise: Promise of the Guardian' Event

MapleStory's new class, Adele, and new content update called 'Rise: Promise of the Guardian' are almost here.

Tempered Steel Update for Dreadlands Now Live

The Tempered Steel update for Dreadlands is live now in-game.

Elite: Dangerous' Fleet Carriers Update Goes Live June 9

Ahoy, Commander. It looks like the big Fleet Carrier update for Elite: Dangerous will go live on June 9.

Crucible Developer Update Acknowledges Launch Issues

In a recent developer update for Crucible, the dev team acknowledges the issues with the launch state of the game.

Warframe's Deadlock Protocol Update Delayed to June

The new Deadlock Protocol update coming to Warframe has, once again, been delayed according to a recent post on their website. The new expected release date is now sometime in June. The Deadlock Protocol update was originally slated for April and was delayed into May. This isn't the first delay for Warframe we've seen this year and it most assuredly won't be the last, but it's nice that they are keeping fans posted with how the development is progressing.

ArcheAge: Unchained Team Provides Update Regarding Paid Expansions

In a letter to the community posted to the official forums, the ArcheAge: Unchained team provides an update on their recent announcement to charge a, "low global access fee" for "new upcoming large updates."